Welcome to the RAC LBP Patient Experience Survey

Hello and welcome,
You are being invited to complete the patient experience survey to help us continue to improve the RAC LBP program across Ontario. This survey is being done to understand your experiences with the care your received and if you feel your concerns were addressed to help you better manage your low back pain. 
Taking part in this survey is optional. If you decide not to participate, your care will not be affected in any way. Information you provide is anonymous and will not be linked to your name or personal information in any way. All survey information is stored separately from your personal information. It will be kept on a password-protected digital space at the University Health Network for 10 years.   If results are used at meetings or in publications to help drive improvements across the Program, no name and other personal identifying information will be used, and your responses can not be linked to your name or personal information in any way.
If you have questions about completing this survey or any other questions about the patient experience survey, please contact our centralized RAC Low Back Operations team at: RACLowBack.Operations@uhn.ca.
Thank you for your participation!