Lightning talks are very short talks of 7 minutes or less about library initiatives and other cool things that libraries are doing.

Will be held Tuesday Afternoon, May 28th.

The deadline for submission is Monday, October 22; notifications will be sent to proposers in December.

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. What is the working title of your Lightning Talk?

Check out this AP Style Guide article about how to write a compelling title

Question Title

* 3. Give us the abstract for your Lightning Talk.

Check out this Harvard Business Review article about crafting a pitch.

Question Title

* 4. Who is the intended audience and what will be the key takeaways or learning outcomes?

For those organizing or delivering a conference session, check out this Inc. article on how to engage your audience!

Question Title

* 5. To which Professional Development Pathway(s) does your session align? (maximum of 2 selections)

Question Title

* 6. Please share any additional information about your proposal.