The current contract between WSNA and your local unit expires December 31, 2019. This survey is to help us prepare for contract negotiations. Your input is critical to determining our priorities as we head to the bargaining table.

It is vital that we know your issues and concerns prior to the start of negotiations!

Please complete this online survey by September 15, 2019.

Please provide us with your contact information. WSNA and your negotiations team will not share this information with anyone. It is only collected so that we may contact you if we have any questions; and so we may share important information with you regarding the current negotiations and issues.

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* 1. Please provide us with your contact information:

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* 2. Pick one answer from each question that most closely reflects your answer:

  Not important Important Very important
How important are wage increases?
How important is an additional step increase?
How important are premium increases?

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* 3. Which premium would you most like to see increased (pick one)?

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* 4. I am regularly floated out of my home department

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* 5. Do you feel safe floating (i.e. have been trained enough or have the support you need)?

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* 6. Would you be more willing to float if there was a premium attached?

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* 7. Are you using your continuing education money as per article 12.13 of our current contract?

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* 8. If yes, how much money did you use?

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* 9. Did you apply for education money that you were denied?

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* 10. If yes, what reason were you given?

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* 11. Are you satisfied with your current Health/ Dental insurance premium coverage by KVH?

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* 12. The following suggestions for contract changes were collected at the spring local unit meeting. Please mark your top three:

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* 13. Do you have a suggestion or two for improving the contract? Please provide your suggestions.

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* 14. Would you be willing to help during negotiations?