CVC is conducting this survey to better assess harvest, preferred species and other useful information. The results will be used to help guide the development of a fisheries management plan for Island Lake Conservation Area (ILCA). Please provide your contact information if you would like information on future public meetings. All personal information collected will be kept private.

This survey has 13 required questions. Please answer all questions as they relate to open water angling at ILCA only. If you fish in a group, please either have one person fill out the form based on their usage of ILCA or complete individual surveys for each group member. Complete only one survey per angler per season.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live (town or city name only)?

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* 2. What is your postal code?

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* 3. How many times during the open water season do you fish at ILCA?

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* 4. What type of bait do you typically use? Please rank in order of preference.

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* 5. If you chose "other" for question 4, please provide additional details.

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* 6. How often do you buy minnows at Island Lake when fishing?

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* 7. Where do you fish from most often?

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* 8. If you use a boat, what kind of boat is it? If you have or use multiple boats, choose the type you use most often.

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* 9. Please order the following fish species from most to least targeted.

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* 10. Please indicate if you typically practice catch and release or harvest for the following species when at ILCA.

  Catch and Release Harvest Not applicable
Largemouth bass
Smallmouth bass
Northern pike
Black crappie
Yellow perch
Brown bullhead

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* 11. Would you keep Largemouth bass if the voluntary harvest limit was removed?

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* 12. Please provide an explanation of why you chose "yes" or "no" for question 11.

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* 13. Would you keep more panfish if the voluntary reduced harvest limit was removed?

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* 14. Please provide an explanation of why you chose "yes" or "no" for question 13.

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* 15. Are there other management approaches you would like to see at ILCA?

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* 16. Would you like to be contacted about upcoming meetings regarding the Island Lake Fisheries Management Plan?