SASS Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

Question Title

* 1. Have you contacted SASS within the past 12 months?

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the service:

Very dissatisfied Neutral Very satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. Thinking of your interactions with SASS, please rate the following statements.
It is easy to access to information:

Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. Responsiveness is timely:

Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. SASS has a good approach to collaboration:

Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Staff are knowledgeable of issues:

Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. SASS collaborates and consults with us on key decisions:

Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. Would you refer others to our service?

Not at all likely Extremely likely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. What did we do really well?

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* 10. What could we do better?

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* 11. In your opinion, what is the single most important action that SASS could take to improve collaboration?