WK12 Sci Comm Social Hour
Time/Date: Tuesday, 06-Jun-23, 20:00 - 21:00
Lead Organizer: Brittany Schieler (bmschieler@gmail.com)

To complement the formal training and workshops that will take place in person in Palma, we will host an informal meet-up with our team and sci comm experts in Palma. The social hour will be open to any meeting participant, but will specifically target early-career researchers. The social hour will be lead by our Hollywood Communications expert, Brian Palermo and Brittany Schieler, ASLO Communications and Program Manager.

This event may occur offsite. To receive up to date information about the status of this event, please sign up below. 

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Job Title or Career Stage

Question Title

* 4. Institutional Affiliation

Question Title

* 5. In a couple of sentences, please describe your sci comm interest or experience.