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* 1. What is Your age range?

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* 2. How much is YOUR CHURCH involved in the work of the association?

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* 3. How much are you PERSONALLY involved in the work of the association?

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* 4. In what ways has the association effectively served you or your church in the past 3 years? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. At this time, what is the ONE thing that most excites you about the association?

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* 6. At this time, what is the ONE thing that most frustrates you about the association

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* 7. In your opinion, financially supporting the association is a necessary kingdom investment of your church's financial resources.

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* 8. What do you believe are the major strengths of the association?

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* 9. Looking forward to the future of the Association, are you in favor of the Re-association with the San Francisco Peninsula Baptist Association? Why or why not?

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* 10. Do you believe there is a better option other than the re-association? If so, what is it?