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Legal Needs for Government Aid issues Facing Low-Income People

This survey is to give SLLS the big picture about legal issues facing low-income people. Please do not use this survey to ask for legal help. If you need help go to to see what kind of free legal help SLLS offers.  

Question Title

* 1. What are your biggest legal issues with government benefits and aid?
You can pick as many issues as you want. 
You can pick an issue even if the label does not exactly match your legal need.

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* 2. Now pick the most important issue for you right now. Pick one from the list.

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* 3. Look at the list. Pick the issues you think it is most important for SLLS to help with. You can pick more than one. The next question will ask which issues you think are less important.

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* 4. Look at the list. Pick the issues you think it is less important for SLLS to help with. You can pick more than one.

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* 5. What kind of legal help do you want and need most to tackle a legal issue or problem?  
Pick one.

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* 6. Is your household income now in the range for free legal aid?  For 2023 that would be $18,225 a year for one person or $37,500 a year for four.  There are exceptions for some situations. Please pick "Yes," "No," "Maybe," or "I don't know." 

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* 7. How do you use the Internet? You can pick all that apply. 
If "Yes" do you use the Internet mainly by phone, a tablet, or a computer? If you only have Internet through a library, friend or other place, please enter that below.

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* 9. Sharing general information about your age helps SLLS learn more about the community.
Please share that information if you wish, by picking one answer below.

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* 10.  Please help us learn more about the community SLLS helps.  
Sharing general information about how you identify your race or ethnicity helps SLLS learn more about the community.
Please share that information if you wish, by picking the one best answer below. 

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* 11. Great! You just helped SLLS help the community. 
If you have time for one more question, pick the answer that best describes you.

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