Please read each question and respond 'yes' for any item that describes your child.

Question Title

* 1. Please check the appropriate response below regarding your child's speech and language skills

  Yes N/A
My child is unable to produce most speech sounds correctly
My child has difficulty following/understanding directions
My child has difficulty answering wh- questions, including hypothetical situations
My child uses a speech pattern, including stuttering, that causes embarrassment or frustration
My child has difficulty with conversational skills—initiating, turn taking
My child has difficulty with reading comprehension
My child often drools
My child has difficulty using appropriate pronouns (he/she) and verb tense (walk/walked)

Question Title

* 2. This section describes skills related to social emotional development, sensory processing, and other related behaviors. Please check the appropriate response for each item below. 

  Yes N/A
My child has difficulty playing with same aged peers or following rules of a game
My child is more active than other kids-- frequently moving, rocking, fidgeting, spinning
My child has extreme fears or anxiety that interfere with daily routine
My child has difficulty with transitions, changes in routine, or is easily frustrated
My child is a picky eater-- particular about food tastes/textures/brands
My child covers his ears in loud environments or seems to not hear when name is called
My child tends to be rough during play or unintentionally hurts others
My child avoids moving toys on playground or having feet off the ground
My child avoids getting hands messy
My child is bothered by certain clothing or often touches objects/people to the point of irritation
My child needs significant support to recover when upset
My child has frequent tantrums
My child has difficulty identifying left vs. right sides of the body

Question Title

* 3. This section describes skills related to a child's fine and gross motor development. Please check the appropriate response below.

  Yes N/A
My child's writing is illegible, or child produces written work very slowly
My child has difficulty cutting out a circle or other simple shapes
My child has difficulty with buttons, snaps, zippers, or shoe tying
My child has difficulty getting dressed (socks, shoes, shirts, etc.)
My child needs physical assist or verbal cues for basic self-care tasks (wash hands, brush teeth, use fork/spoon)
My child appears clumsy, uncoordinated, (falling, tripping) or bumps into people/objects
My child has a slumped posture or tires easily when holding a particular position/posture
My child has difficulty catching, throwing, or kicking a ball
My child has difficulty with bike riding, pumping a swing

Question Title

* 4. This section describes skills related to visual development. Because vision impacts so many other skills, some of these questions may be similar to those found elsewhere in this checklist. Please check YES for all that apply

Complains of blurred vision
Rubs eyes frequently or squints
Covers or closes one eye
Occasionally sees double
Able to read for only a short time
Poor reading comprehension
Holds things very close or leans close to table when working
Reports eyes feel tired
Reports headaches during reading
Moves head excessively when reading
Frequently loses place or skips lines when reading
Uses finger to keep place while reading
Demonstrates short attention span

Question Title

* 5. Please check YES for all that apply

Mixes up words with similar beginnings
Difficulty recognizing letters, words, or simple shapes and forms
Difficulty distinguishing the main idea from insignificant details
Difficulty learning basic math concepts of size, magnitude, and position
Difficulty visualizing what is read
Poor speller
Difficulty recalling visually presented material
Sloppy handwriting and drawing, or can’t draw well
Difficulty coloring inside the lines
Poor copying skills
Able to respond orally but not in writing
Trouble learning left and right
Reverses letters and words
Difficulty writing and remembering letters and numbers
Reads slowly
Reading comprehension worsens as reading continues
Confuses similar words or doesn’t recognize the same word on a different line
Takes a long time to copy from the board or makes mistakes
Poor, unevenly spaced handwriting, writes up or downhill
Omits words when readings, especially small ones
Copies math problems and results incorrectly
Omits numbers or can’t tell the difference between similar numbers

Question Title

* 6. Age of my child:

Question Title

* 7. Name and PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL of person completing this form (note: you will only be contacted regarding the results of this survey):

Question Title

* 8. When is the best time to reach you to discuss the results of this checklist?