Question Title

* 1. Of the four statements listed below which one best describes your relationship with God?

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* 2. Of the choices listed, rank them according which best describes our youth group overall? (Rank 1 to 4, 1 being highest 4 being lowest)

  1 (High) 2 (Somewhat High) 3 (Somewhat Low) 4 (Low) Do not use this column
Exploring Christ – “I interested in learning about God. My faith is not necessarily a significant part of my life.”
Growing in Christ – “I believe in Jesus and I am working on what it means to get to know him.”
Close to Christ – “I feel really close to Christ and depend on him daily for guidance.
Christ-centered – “My relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life. He guides everything I do.”

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* 3. Which of the following would you like most from our youth ministry? (Rank from 1 to 5, 1 being highest, 5 being lowest)

  1 (High) 2 (Somewhat High) 3 (Neutral) 4  (Somewhat Low) 5 (Low)
Spiritual Direction – “Helps me understand the Bible in greater depth, and develop a personal relationship with Christ. Leaders model and challenge me to grow spiritually, by providing a clear path to guide my spiritual life.”
Belonging – “Helps me feel like I belong, helps me in my time of emotional need, and provides great youth group & worship experiences.”
Leadership and Impact – “Helps me develop relationships that encourage leadership and opportunities to grow with others, and equips me to go out and make an impact in the lives of others.”
Connection – “Helps me understand what it means to be a part of the youth group, and inspires a sense of family, so that the youth group becomes an important part of who I am.”
Serving – “Promotes a strong serving culture that is recognized by the community, and provides opportunities to serve those in need.”

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* 4. What do you expect most from a youth pastor? (Rank from 1 to 6, 1 being highest, 6 being lowest):

  1 (Very High) 2 (High) 3 (Somewhat High) 4 (Neutral) 5 (Somewhat Low) 6 (Low)
Promotes Serving – “Identifies and encourages use of teens abilities and strengths; attracts, develops and motivates various ministry opportunities; promotes and creates enthusiasm for serving activities.
Spiritual Challenge – “Models and reinforces how to grow spiritually, and challenges teens to take the next steps in their growth. Provides strong teaching rooted in biblical accuracy and beliefs (theology).”
Care – “Gives advice to teens facing life decisions and struggles, and provides understanding to individuals about spiritual development.”
External focus – “Recognizes important local and global issues and motivates teens to invite new people to youth group.”
Teaching and Motivation  – “Teaches inspiring content that is exciting and captures interest.”
Unity and Stability – “Maintains togetherness, handles troubled teens, resolves problems, and helps secure the youth groups stability.”

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* 5. From the list above (question 4), rank those that you believe help you (the youth/your teen) in your (their) spiritual growth the most (rank from 1 to 6, 1 being highest, 6 being lowest):

  1 (Very High) 2 (High) 3 (Somewhat High) 4 (Neutral) 5 (Somewhat Low) 6 (Low)
Promotes Serving – “Identifies and encourages use of teens abilities and strengths; attracts, develops and motivates various ministry opportunities; promotes and creates enthusiasm for serving activities.
Spiritual Challenge – “Models and reinforces how to grow spiritually, and challenges teens to take the next steps in their growth. Provides strong teaching rooted in biblical accuracy and beliefs (theology).”
Care – “Gives advice to teens facing life decisions and struggles, and provides understanding to individuals about spiritual development.”
External focus – “Recognizes important local and global issues and motivates teens to invite new people to youth group.”
Teaching and Motivation  – “Teaches inspiring content that is exciting and captures interest.”
Unity and Stability – “Maintains togetherness, handles troubled teens, resolves problems, and helps secure the youth groups stability.”

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* 6. What is the greatest challenge in your (the teens/your teenagers) life right now?

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* 7. What have been some strengths and weaknesses of our youth ministry?

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* 8. What needs to be improved on in our youth ministry? What expectations do you have that we are not meeting?

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* 9. How has the youth ministry helped you (the youth/your teen) grow spiritually, and how can we better help you (the youth/your teen) in this?

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* 10. Please identify which person you best represent from the list below: