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* 1. The California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides funding to school districts. The KTJUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is our district plan for using state funds for our students. Your input as a parent, guardian, or community member is important to assist us in developing the 2020-21 district LCAP, which is a 3-year plan. Please respond to each question based on your experience. Thank you!

Please tell us about yourself. *
Check all that apply.

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* 2. Please choose any that may apply to your student(s):

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* 3. The State has 8 priorities for the LCAP: Basic Conditions of Learning, Implementation of State Standards, Parent Involvement, Pupil Achievement, Pupil Engagement, School Climate, Course Access, and Other Pupil Outcomes.

Please rate the following in regard to these Priorities (5 is a high rating, 1 the lowest rating, 0 indicates no knowledge)

  5- District is exceptional in this aspect of the priority 4- District is improving in this aspect of the priority 3- District is making progress in this aspect of the priority 2- District needs to changes in this aspect of the priority 1- District is not meeting this aspect of the priority 0 - I have no knowledge of the District's performance in this aspect
Equity: Fair outcomes, treatment, and opportunities for all students.
Professional Learning: Provides opportunities for educators to enhance their understanding of how they can help students learn and thrive.
Resource Alignment: Thoughtful allocation of budgets and other resources to achieve desired education outcomes for students.
Teachers: Structure and provide learning experiences that directly impact students' academic outcomes.
Curriculum: Guides instruction for students to learn 21st-century content and skills.
Instruction: Make learning relevant, differentiated, and appropriate to each student.
Culture and Climate: Supportive learning environments and opportunities.
Assessment: The ongoing process of gathering evidence of what each student actually knows, understands, and can do.
Family and Community: Partnerships among educators, families, and community members.

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* 4. The District is required by law to solicit input from parents and the community under Priority 3: Parental Involvement (Engagement). Efforts to seek parent input in decision making, promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special need subgroups as relates to:

*Partnerships among educators, families, and community members.

*Equity (Recognizing, respecting, and attending to the diverse strengths and challenges of the students. High-quality schools are able to differentiate instruction, services, and resource distribution to respond effectively to the diverse needs of their students, with the aim of ensuring that all students are able to learn and thrive.)

*Culture and Climate (Physical, environmental, and social aspects of a school have a profound impact on student experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and performance. School culture and climate help determine whether students are motivated to learn and stay in school.)

  5 - The School/District solicits input more than 4 times a year 4 - The School/District solicits input quarterly 3 - The School/District solicits input biannually 2 - The School/District solicits input once a year 1 - The School/District never solicits input 0 - I have no knowledge of these requests for input
How often are you engaged by the District/School to provide input with regard to Partnering?
How often are you engaged by the District/School to provide input with regard to Equity?
How often are you engaged by the District/School to provide input with regard to Culture and Climate?

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* 5. The State's fourth priority, Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes), includes:
Performance on standardized tests, score on Academic Performance Index, number of pupils that are college and career ready, number of English learners that become English proficient, English learner reclassification rate, number of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with 3 or higher, number of pupils determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program as it relates to Assessment, Curriculum, Equity, and Instruction.

Please rate the effectiveness of Assessment, Curriculum, Equity, and Instruction in regard to student achievement.

  5 - I highly agree, the District excels in this area and communicates about achievement often 4 - I agree, the District has developed a program that is communicated occasionally 3 - I partially agree, this District needs to make some improvements 2 - I don't agree, the District program is lacking and needs to be changed 1 - The District is failing to meet the needs for student achievement in this area. 0 - I have no knowledge of the Districts programs with regard to achievement.
The District effectively implements Assessments to gather student data that is shared with parents/family to create a comprehensive learning plan/goals.
The District effectively implements Curriculum that is shared with parents/family to meet comprehensive learning plan/goals.
The District effectively implements Equity (differentiate instruction, services, and resource distribution to respond effectively to the diverse needs of their students) that is shared with parents/family to meet comprehensive learning plan/goals.
The District effectively implements Instruction (strategies to serve multiple learning styles and engage students in meaningful activities) that is shared with parents/family to meet comprehensive learning plan/goals.

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* 6. The State's fifth priority, Pupil Engagement (Engagement) includes School attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle school dropout rates, high school dropout rates, high school graduation rates as relates to Culture and Climate, Equity, Family and Community. How do we encourage students to attend, participate, and achieve in school?

Please check the following strategies the District needs to improve to meet the needs of students with regard to engagement. (check all that apply)

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* 7. The State's sixth priority, School Climate (Engagement) includes:
Pupil suspension rates, pupil expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents, and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness as relates to Culture and Climate, Equity, Family and Community.

Please check the following strategies the District needs to improve with regard to school climate.

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* 8. The District recognizes the unique needs of individual students. Parents/families know these needs best. How can the District best serve your student(s), or specific students you are concerned about (homeless/foster youth, LGBTQ+, SPED, ethnically diverse, students with disabilities, socio-economically disadvantaged, etc)? Please share any specific ideas you may have.

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