Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. Late Maturation Application |
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. Late Maturation requests are granted for one (1) year, and families are required to apply every Indoor season.
In the event you register for Youth soccer in the Outdoor season but not have not played in the preceding indoor season, you will be required to apply for Late Maturation. In this scenario, your request will only be granted for the current outdoor season and you will need to reapply in the following indoor season.
In the event you only play Outdoor soccer, you will need to apply for late maturation for each successive Outdoor season the athlete registers in.
SYSI will apply to SSA on your behalf to allow you to participate in the SSA-sanctioned events including Tournament, Provincials, PSL etc. Without SSA approval your Late Maturation request will only apply to the local league and you be unable to participate in SSA-sanctioned events such as local Tournaments, Provincials etc.
AGE GROUPS (Pg. 3 of SYSI Rules and Regulations)
3.7 SYSI may review special requests for a player to be placed in an age group based on the attributes associated with growth and maturation rather than chronological age. This process allows for players who are not as advanced physically, cognitively, or socially as the majority of their peers; to belong to a team in an age group considered equal to their learning enjoyment and capacity, notwithstanding their birth date. Such permission must be received in writing. SYSI will request the late maturational process to be followed. If you are granted special permission by SYSI for late maturation approval, that permission may not be extended to competitions outside of SYSI League Player, including but not limited to, provincial competitions and other SSA sanctioned tournaments/events. It will be at the discretion of the competition committee about accepting the player in the competition.
3.9 Any player requesting a late maturational exception must fill out the SYSI Late Maturational Development Form and submit it to the office by the deadline. Once the deadline has passed, the information will be reviewed by all TD’s for advisement to the SYSI office who shall make the final determination.
3.10 Players who are granted late maturation approval shall be placed in the appropriate age group and then evaluated for the appropriate division.