School Group Survey

Thank you for coming to Hidden Acres this year to participate in our outdoor education programs!

Please take a few moments to evaluate your experience at Hidden Acres. We want to serve your needs as best as we are able and the confidential information collected from this survey will help us to do this well. Please answer all the questions that apply to you and/or your group and provide as many additional specific comments or suggestions as you can (they often help us the most!). If you would like to add responses from your students, please share the questions with them or work on it together to let us know how their experiences were.

Thank you for your time!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your name and the name of your school:

Question Title

* 2. I initiated contact by:

Question Title

* 3. How did you/your group hear about Hidden Acres?

Question Title

* 4. Please comment on your registration experience while booking/planning for your event.

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Unacceptable
How helpful were the staff?
How helpful were the materials sent to you?
Were the materials regarding rates and facilities clear?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate each of the activities that were provided for your group:

  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor N/A
Climbing Wall
Initiative Tasks/Team-building Activities
Spaceship Earth
Field Games
Outdoor Cooking
Low Ropes
Pond Study
Nature Activity/Hike
Camp-Wide Games
Campfire Programming

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the facilities you used during your time at Hidden Acres (if applicable):

  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor N/A
Woodhouse Retreat Centre
Stonehouse Retreat Centre
Pineview Cabins
Hilltop Cabins
Oakview Cabins
Picnic Shelter
Grounds only

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your time at Hidden Acres:

  Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor N/A
Level of Interest /Enjoyment shown by Students
Recreational Facilities (playground, sports court, etc.)
Washroom Facilities
Overall Cost

Question Title

* 8. Did Hidden Acres provide meals for your group?

Question Title

* 9. If meals were provided, please rate the following things:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Unacceptable N/A
Quality of food
Quantity of food
Cost of meals
Ability to accommodate special diets

Question Title

* 10. Any other comments or suggestions? (If any students made memorable comments, please let us know by writing them here. Thanks!)

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* 11. Would you recommend Hidden Acres and its programs to other teachers and schools?

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* 12. Based on your recent visit will you consider bringing a group to Hidden Acres again?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!
As always your feedback is appreciated and assists us in making sure our programs are the best that they can be!