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* 2. Would you like someone from our team to provide you with additional information regarding individual or business memberships to the Tampa Downtown Partnership?

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* 3. What's your age?

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Downtown Neighborhoods

Downtown Neighborhoods

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* 4. Based on the map, which of the following Downtown neighborhoods are you most connected with?

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* 5. What is your connection to your neighborhood? Select all that apply.

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* 6. How strong is the sense of community in your neighborhood?

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* 7. How do you find out about events happening in your area? Select all that apply.

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* 8. Which of these Neighborhood Programs have you heard of? Select all that apply.

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* 9. Which of these Neighborhood Programs are you interested in? Select all that apply.

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* 10. Which of these Neighborhood Programs have you attended? Select all that apply.

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* 11. What's your favorite public space in your neighborhood?

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* 12. What's your favorite public space in Downtown?

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* 13. How well maintained is your neighborhood?

*Maintained refers to areas free of graffiti and trash, tidy landscaping, clean sidewalks.*

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* 14. If you're not satisfied with how your neighborhood is being maintained, what could be improved on?

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* 15. What changes would make you more likely to choose active transportation options (e.g., walking, biking) in Downtown areas?

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* 16. Are there any Downtown areas that should implement car-free zones or pedestrian-only streets? If so, where should they be?

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* 17. Is there a specific locations where you feel unsafe walking or biking due to vehicular traffic?

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* 18. What medium(s) do you utilize to get your news, from 1 being your most often used medium to 8 being your least used medium.

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* 19. What specific TV Station/ print news medium/ online platform do you utilize most often to obtain news?

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* 20. Would you like to receive our newsletters to get more information about Downtown Tampa and the Tampa Downtown Partnership events/programs?