DEADLINE TO APPLY:  June 1, 2018

We're looking for 24 youth, ages 12-15, who are SERIOUSLY into performance or the arts and are MOTIVATED to make CHANGE in the community. We are looking for students who are innovators and hard workers who can maintain focus while having fun and sharing ideas.


Two Week Project: Monday – Friday
Week 1:  Monday - Friday, August 6th – August 10th
Week 2:  Monday - Friday, August 13th – August 17th
PLUS! “Define American” Event @ Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park
Saturday, August 18th // 1:30 -3:00 [rehearsal time TBD]

The 2018 team will participate in ONE of TWO major projects:

Performing Arts Team:
Afternoon workshops, 1:30-5:30
12 students will work with professional performer and director Jay O’Leary to develop and present an original performance for a major Coyote community gathering on August 18th at Dr. Blanche Lavizzo Park in the Central District.  The theme of the event is what it means to be American, and every member of the team will explore poetry, spoken word, music and movement to help put together a group performance that will engage the audience in a personal look at national identity.

Visual Arts Team:
Morning workshops, 9:00-1:00
12 students will create stage art for the “Define American” original performance described above on Saturday, August 18th. They will work with well-known public artist Carl Smool to express their own ideas about American identity in spectacular stage art using fabric, paper, cardboard, and other materials to create hangings and backdrops for the park stage.  In the process they’ll learn the tricks and techniques of professional stage set designers.

Each youth will earn up to $200 as a stipend for full participation and hard work.

Workshop location:   Coyote Central | 2300 E. Cherry St. | Seattle, WA 98122

Question Title

* 1. Student Name

Question Title

* 2. Gender Pronoun

Question Title

* 3. School

Question Title

* 4. Age

Question Title

* 5. Address

Question Title

* 6. City

Question Title

* 7. Zip Code

Question Title

* 8. Parent/Guardian Name

Question Title

* 9. Parent/Guardian Email

Question Title

* 10. Parent/Guardian Phone

Question Title

* 11. Youth Email

Question Title

* 12. Youth Phone

Question Title

* 13. Which organization or school referred you to Hit the Streets?

Question Title

* 14. Ethnic Background (check all that apply/used for grant reporting only)

Question Title

* 15. Family Annual Income (used for grant reporting purposes only)

Question Title

* 16. Experience // Why do you want to be a part of the Coyote Hit the Streets Project?  What experiences in performance or visual art have you had that would make you a good fit for this program?

Question Title

* 17. Sample of Art Work //  Please share with us a relevant sample of your art or a description of you as a performer. 

ARTIST'S CHOICE: photo, drawing, sculpture, mixed media, etc.
PERFORMER'S CHOICE: poem, spoken word sample, music recording, video of dance or acting, or writing about your interest in performing.

Question Title

* 18. Upload a sample of your art or performances

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 19. If you're providing a description of you as a performer or some other written contribution, you can add that here

Question Title

* 20. Perspective // Describe public art.  What is it? Why is it important for a community to have? What is one public art piece you would like to design or perform in and see in your city one day?

Question Title

* 21. Inspiration // Tell us about some things you are inspired by in life.  Who is someone who helps you get through challenges and keeps you looking towards opportunity?

Question Title

* 22. Position // For Hit the Streets, I would like to join the:

Question Title

* 23. On a creative team, my greatest strength is:

Question Title

* 24. Recommendation // Find an adult who knows you well (a teacher, counselor, godparent, coach, etc.) and ask them to submit a brag sheet to us.  Have them gush all about the reasons they think you would be great for this project! 

You can upload a scan/photo of that letter here or send/deliver us a hard copy.  But don't forget! This is a required portion of your application.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 25. Commitment Agreements // As a participant in this project, I understand that I will be expected to (you must agree to each commitment by checking each box):