Sign-up Form

A little inspiration from Master Coach Rebecca...
The spark of transformation is fed by the fuel of determination, desire, willingness, and action. Once kindled it becomes unstoppable. You are the catalyst for that transformation.
Welcome! I'm thrilled that you have taken this step to achieving your goals!

This Catalyst Call form will walk you through step by step how to register for your Catalyst Call with me. You are just a few steps away from creating your Catalyst Action Plan!

So How Can I Help You…
Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be?

I am going to make myself available to a very small number of Catalysts, where I will jump on a call with you and:
-Discuss how you can make progress in a major area of your personal or professional life.
-Resolve your biggest mindset challenge.
-Figure out exactly what is holding you back and any roadblocks that are in the way for you and your goals.
-Then I’ll help you create a Catalyst Action Plan to get results in the fastest time possible…

So you can be confident in knowing exactly what you need to do in the next 30 days… To start breaking free and start being the Catalyst that you are...

So Why Would I Do This?
It’s important to know why I am making myself available to you for free…and not charging my regular rate for a coaching call.
The first reason is because I want to help wonderful people like yourself when I can. It is my passion in life to be able to assist people on this part of their journey .... with mindset breakthroughs to help them get where they want to be.
The second reason I am making you this generous offer for free is because…it’s also how I attract my dream clients.
So, if at the end of your Catalyst Call, you feel that I can help you and that you might be a good fit for one of my programs…
We can discuss what that looks like and if you’d like to take a step further so we can work together more closely in 2019.
You’re also free to leave at the end of the call with your step by step strategy mapped out ...To help you make serious movement toward your goals, and reduce any mental blocks interfering with your goals in the next 30 days.

I do need to let you know that due to time limitations…
This opportunity is extremely limited. So, with that being said…
Please understand that the window of opportunity to secure one of these limited spots won’t be open for long.

Next steps:
1. Once you have completed this form, use the link below to complete your reservation and reserve your complimentary Catalyst Call with me. This link will take you to my private calendar to book your Call with me. You will see some availability starting mid-May. I will only be taking a few number of Catalyst Calls due to time limitations. If I am booked for this week, I will send you an email to let you know so that you can reschedule.
2. If you have a question about the program or Catalyst Call, please let me know. Send your email to Click here for details about the Catalyst Call.
3. With this registration you will be added to my Inner Circle of Awesome People! So you can begin receiving free gifts and free breakthrough reports. Welcome! 

I'm looking forward to talking with you soon and offering you the support you need. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Wishing you much peace and joy, 
-Rebecca Cooley
Certified Master Coach & Instructor

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Why now? Why have you decided to join me for the Catalyst Call?
(Please also indicate which PATH you have chosen to focus on -at this time.)

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* 3. What is the one big thing that is getting in the way?

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* 4. Fast forward 12 months in the future, what would success look like to you if I helped you with that? 

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* 5. What strategies have you taken so far to help you achieve your goals and address any challenges you are facing? (check all that apply)

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* 6. How do you hold yourself accountable and motivated to achieve your goals?

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* 7. Which coaching or consulting services address your current goals? (check all that apply)

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* 8. Please read the following information so you can know what to expect from this Call,  my program, and through partnering with me. Because of the whole person approach, intrinsic coaching involved, and the commitment needed by my partners... my programs are not for everyone. I can only truly help a specific type of partner during these programs. Please take a look below and confirm that you meet these fairly stringent (but achievable) criteria.

First, you need to have a personal or professional challenge that includes…
intrinsic goals like increase confidence, reduce nervousness, improve relationships, become more self-aware, work/life balance, overcome mindset blocks, etc... 

The next criteria is that you need to already be taking action toward your goals. 

Finally and most importantly… you must now be ready to take things to the next level in your personal and professional growth. 

Check the boxes if you meet the criteria.

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* 9. Which keywords did you use to search for us? (ex. life coach Raleigh)

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