Directions: This worksheet will help Campus Liaisons establish CTAG submission and compliance goals for this year. Please use the institutional compliance report when completing this worksheet and seek input from campus leadership and relevant faculty when completing steps 2 and 4. Please note this is a PDF to assist in the submission of answers via survey monkey only and shouldn’t be used to provide answers.

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* 1. Please provide your information:

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* 2. Identify the CTAG areas in which your institution has been out of compliance for over three years. This would include all CTAGs announced prior to the fall of 2016 (listed below) if the compliance report indicates a submission should be made.

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* 3. Regarding the CTAG areas just identified, please list the CTANs most probable for submission in the next two review cycles (deadlines are March 2, 2020 and October of 2020). For those not likely to be submitted, please provide an explanation why in comments.

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* 4. Review other CTANs requiring a course submission and establish those which are a priority in the next two review cycles for the institution.

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* 5. Review the CTANs from 2a and 3 to determine the final list of CTANs for submission in the next two review cycles. At a minimum, the amount of planned submissions should result in a 25% increase in institutional compliance by June 30, 2019. The amount of course submissions required to meet this goal can be determined by dividing cell K1 by 4 when referencing the institutional compliance report (see below). Institutions are encouraged to submit more courses.

Report planned submissions for the spring 2020 review cycle (deadline March 2, 2020) in the comment field below.  Planned submissions for the fall 2020 review cycle will be reported on the next questions.

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* 6. Report planned submissions for the fall 2020 review cycle (deadline October, 2020) in the comment field below.