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Background: CPDE is currently working to improve its CSO effectiveness checklist to capture the criteria for assessing CSO implementation of the Istanbul Principles. The objective is to create an online self-assessment module which will be accessible to a wide variety of CSOs – CPDE members and non-members alike. This knowledge-sharing feature will allow for CSO learning to take place – creating opportunities for other CSOs to replicate the efforts, as appropriate, and increase their own effectiveness in the process.

Aim of this assessment/survey: Through this survey, CPDE aims to create a baseline for the planned online self-assessment module and to support the development of future initiatives on CSO development effectiveness. The survey includes an introduction to your organisation followed by pages with approximately 4-5 questions focused on each principle [], with an additional question on the overall implementation of the principles. The survey has an ‘optional’ portion, which your organisation may opt to answer.

Who should fill out the survey? As the survey includes questions on the knowledge of the principles and your experience of integrating the principles across various areas of work, we recommend that someone who has a bird's-eye knowledge of the organisation's work should complete the survey. It is possible that multiple people working across your organisation will need to be consulted but the survey will only accept one whole response per organisation. 

Data collection/storage/use: All data collected in this initial survey will be used solely for the purpose of creating a baseline of how CSOs are implementing the Istanbul Principles. We will not share this raw data but store it securely on our servers. By consenting to take part in this survey, you also agree to the use of this data for the purposes of the baseline (not identifying your organisation in particular). If we would like to use a direct quote from your response identifying your organisation, we will get in touch with you to ask for explicit consent. If, for any reason, after completing the survey you would like to make edits to the data, please let us know by emailing OR Furthermore, if you would not like specific information to be shared in our final report then please feel free to email us at any time.

The full survey will take 45 minutes to complete. If your schedule does not permit, you can also opt to answer the survey in 3 parts, wherein 1 part will take around 15 minutes to answer. Please make sure to complete the full survey by 24 September.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to take part in the assessment and to sharing data with the research team for the purposes of the research?

Question Title

* 2. If yes, please share full name and email.

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