Parent input survey for CRMS parents

We would like to learn you feelings towards your student(s) returning to school in the Fall since the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

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* 1. Please select what grade your child will be entering at the start of the 2020 - 2021 school year. 

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* 2. In thinking about when your child's schools reopen in the Fall, how concerned about your child's safety related to Covid -19? 

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* 3. The Alabama State Department of Education will offer parents the option of learning in person at the school, or learning from home virtually. Which option are you planning on using for your child this Fall?

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* 4. Does your child have access to computer and high speed internet at home?

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* 5. In the area where you live is high speed internet available?

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* 6. Do you have enough computers at home to serve the needs of all of your children to learn virtually?

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* 7. When schools reopen in the Fall, please rank how you feel about the following safety measures and whether they should be mandatory, recommended, or seem excessive?

  Mandatory  Recommended  Too excessive  No opinion
Requiring temperature checks of all students and adults entering the building 
Requiring all students and staff to wear masks.
Requiring increased hand washing and sanitizing procedures 
Limiting the number of students that can return to in person instruction by staggering the school days.
Allowing students who are vulnerable to learn from home.

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* 8. If Covid testing was made convenient at your local school how likely would you be to participate in the screening.

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* 9. Would you prefer to be notified each time a student in the school tests positive for Covid-19? 

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* 10. If few or no safety measures are implemented for the 2020-2021 school year by the Tuscaloosa County School System how likely are you to withdraw your child to attend another school?