CrossFit Cove Customer Survey

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* 1. Rate your overall experience at the Cove (do you get a good workout when you come in, do you get personal attention, do you look forward to coming)

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* 2. What are your thoughts on the logistics of how classes are run? (warm-up, cool-down,  flow of class). What improvements can be made?

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* 3. Do you read the blog?

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* 4. Is there anything you wish we covered more/less of in the blog?

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* 5. What are your thoughts on the quality and consistency of the coaching at CrossFit Cove?

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* 6. Are you satisfied with the programming at the Cove?

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* 7. What would you like to see more/less of in the programming:

  More Less Perfect amount
Olympic Lifting (Clean, Jerk, Snatch)
Power Lifting (Squat, Deadlift, Press)
Gymnastics (Bodyweight movements)
Monostructural (Running, rowing biking)

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* 8. Do you have any interest in personal training or personal programming to help improve your fitness and/or learn to improve specific movements. 

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* 9. What specialty classes or clinics would you be interested in attending?

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* 10. Is there any merchandise that you wish we carried at the Cove? (apparel, equipment, grab and go food, etc.)

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* 11. Do you have any specific wishes for the kids room? Would you want more sitter coverage (and if so what are the ideal hours?)

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* 12. What piece of equipment would you like to see or see more of in the gym?

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* 13. Please rate each of the following...

  Bad Below Average Average Above Average Awesome
CrossFit 101 (did it prepare you for class?)
Quality of Programming
Music played during class
Customer Service/Friendliness
Overall Experience

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* 14. Is there anything else you would like us to know or expand upon? Constructive criticism is welcome. How can we make your experience better?