Attractiveness2 KO Question Title * 1. For each of the following images please indicate your perception of the attractiveness of the featured individual. Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Strikingly handsome or beautiful Good looking, above average for their age Average Quite plain, below average for their age Homely Question Title * 2. What year were you born? Question Title * 3. What is your gender identity? Woman Man Genderqueer or non-binary Agender Not specified above, please specify Question Title * 4. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic White / Caucasian Multiple ethnicity / Other (please specify) Done