We work really hard to get better as coaches, customer support representatives, and as athletes all year round. Your feedback helps JT make the facility better and set the overall direction for the business, but your specific feedback about coaches and programming helps us coach each other to be better coaches for you. It can also help us set the schedule and get people working the hours best suited for taking care of you!

With that said, we know these questions can feel really hard to answer. We know you love us. (Seriously, the ratings on "I am satisfied with my coaches" from past surveys are always between 96-100%.)

AND, we can always get better. These questions are to help us understand how our communication lands on you as athletes and friends, to help us understand how our coaching reaches you, how our programming pushes you, and how we can get better at reaching you! Telling us your pet peeves and the things that get in your way helps us to be aware of those things and find ways to meet you where you are.

We won't get offended. Help us help you.

Question Title

* 1. What tangible change would you like to see most at CrossFit Somerville?

Question Title

* 2. Evaluate the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Ambivalent Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
My coaches are well informed about physiology.
My coaches are well informed about nutrition.
My coaches are attentive to my form in class.
My coaches are responsive to my questions and concerns in class.
My coaches are well-aligned about goals and programming.
My coaches give consistent cues to improve my movement.
My coaches care about my health and fitness.
My coaches care about me personally.
I feel connected to my fellow CFSV members.
The class schedule works for me currently.
The workout and strength programming at CFSV is excellent.
I am able to focus on my personal goals within the context of each class at CFSV.
I feel like I can talk to my coaches about my concerns.
I feel safe asking my coaches for scaling advice on exercises.
I feel safe during my workouts.
I feel like every coach delivers high quality instruction and motivation.
I feel like some coaches are significantly better than others at coaching me.
The facility is equipped to my satisfaction (barbells, kettlebells, jump ropes, etc).
The facility is furnished to my satisfaction (cubbies, seating, etc).
I feel like I am making progress in my fitness at CFSV.
I wish CFSV would sell CrossFit-related products (shoes, clothing, protein supplements).
I am proud of CFSV's business practices and ethics.
I am proud of CFSV's level of community and charity involvement.
If there were more "Outside The Box" social events, I would really like that.
I would enjoy more inter-box social events with other local CrossFit boxes.
I would enjoy joining a social sports league team with CFSV members.
I would like to see more specialty classes (like yoga, primal movement, parkour, running, jump rope, rowing)
I enjoy nutrition/accountability challenges and would like more opportunities for that.
I wish CFSV would host a CrossFit competition.

Question Title

* 3. Please finish these sentences:

Question Title

* 4. Overall, are you satisfied with the coaches at CFSV?

Question Title

* 5. What coach do you take class with most often currently?

Question Title

* 6. What coach would you LIKE to work with more often? (Sticking with the same one you get to work with now is fine, too.)

Question Title

* 7. Do you have feedback about specific coaches and/or styles at CFSV?

Question Title

* 8. From most (1) to least (5) important, what are the skills you value most in coaching?

Question Title

* 9. How responsive is CFSV?

Question Title

* 10. Thinking about changes in CFSV in the past year and changes you'd like to see moving forward, do you have any other feedback for JT to hear? Remember, this is totally anonymous and confidential - and all I want is to make CFSV the best place it can possibly be.

Thanks for taking the time to complete our survey and share your thoughts with us! I promise, we'll read all of it and make changes accordingly.