A short survey of friends and members to close out 2018 and look ahead to 2019... and beyond

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* 1. Which program(s) do you consider to be the Wells Reserve’s strength(s)?

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* 2. How good of a job is the Wells Reserve at Laudholm doing to protect Maine’s coastal environments?

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* 3. What do you think we could be doing better?

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* 4. Many Laudholm Trust members say they joined “to support the protection of threatened coastal environments.” Do you agree, or did you have another reason? How did you first get involved?

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* 5. Have you visited the Wells Reserve or come to any of our public programs in the past year? If so, which ones, and how would you describe your experience?

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* 6. As a Laudholm Trust member, which of the following member benefits have you taken advantage of:

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* 7. To maximize your tax deduction benefits, did you know you can make gifts of stock?

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* 8. To help your favorite causes after you’re gone, did you know you could leave them gifts in your will?

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* 9. May we follow up with you on any of your responses? If so, please complete the following: