The Action Committee is preparing for two days of informational picketing on the Lawrenceville and Princeton campuses. The AAUP is not going on strike at this time! The negotiating team believes that we need to show the Administration that we are united against their irresponsible proposals that will destroy Rider. We plan to picket on Sunday, September 3rd (freshmen move-in day) and Monday, September 4th (upperclassmen move-in day). I am asking that each member sign up for one four hour shift on each day. The shift you sign up for now will not affect the preference you already specified in case of an actual strike. I know this is a holiday weekend, but the fate of Rider is in our hands and your willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Let's make a statement by all turning out to show the students and parents that what the Administration is doing is hurting Rider.