Helmer Scientific
14400 Bergen Boulevard
Noblesville, IN 46060

Helmer Service training request

Question Title

1. Please fill in Contact Information below:

Question Title

2. How often do you work with Helmer products?

  Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never (N/A)
Plasma Thawers
Cell Washer
-86° ULT

Question Title

4. Please list and explain in detail any Certification and Formal Training you have.

Question Title

5. Rate your proficiency:

  No Experience Needs Further Development Average Above Average Expert
Electronic Troubleshooting
Mechanical Troubleshooting
Refrigeration Troubleshooting
Software Troubleshooting

Question Title

6. How many technicians at your location require training?

Question Title

7. What type of refrigeration experience do you have?

  No Experience Needs Further Development Average Above Average Expert
Instrumentation & Controls
Cap Tube Experience
Cascade Refrigeration
TXV Experience

Question Title

8. What Helmer products are you interested in learning more about?

Question Title

9. When would be the best time for you to come to Helmer for training