Community Members, Parents, and Staff, the School District is considering implementing a program that will provide additional opportunities for our youth in the area of resiliency and in career/ college preparation.
By completing this brief survey you will help us identify needs so that we might better serve your children. Thank You in advance for your assistance.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose on of the following choices to indicate your role in the NYCP project:

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* 2. How important is teaching Native Culture to our children?

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* 3. What are the major barriers to youth employment in our area?
Mark all that apply.

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* 4. What would be your greatest desire for our school age youth?
Choose all that apply.

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* 5. In your estimation, how many strongly positively connected Adults are there in your student's life?  (This Question for PARENTS ONLY)

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* 6. Have you taken advantage of opportunities to be involved in planning activities at the local school or provide career and/or college opportunities for students (meetings such as; committee meetings, public forums, PTA meetings, student work-study programs, mentoring programs, providing information at college and career days, etc.)?

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* 7. Do youth have adequate access to services to meet their physical and mental health needs from the following community agencies?

  Yes No
Medical Agencies
Tribal Resources
Community Services 

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* 8. Please list any additional community barriers to careers or higher education that exist in the community including the well-being of our youth:

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* 9. Please rate the statements using the scale below:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Successes and outcomes of the THRIVE NYCP grant are clearly communicated to our community?
The Parents in our community are involved in the education of our children?
Our school includes everyone's perspective (including the Tribe, parents, Elders and the greater community) when making decisions about he education of our students?
I have a clear idea of how to help support the children in our community to become college and career ready?
My questions about college and career readiness are answered when NYCP activities are held?