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Saving energy is good for you and for our climate

Homestead Community Land Trust and non-profit organization Spark North West are partnering on a project to educate Homestead homeowners about opportunities to save energy, reduce utilities costs and convert home systems to all-electric. These changes can improve your comfort and create greater safety for children or pets.
They can save you money and also help address climate change. This program will include an opportunity to apply for an electrical system "makeover" that will be paid for through a combination of incentives and cash grants.
As we design this program, we want to know what's most important to you. Please help us design this program by providing responses to the following questions.

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* 1. I have owned my home

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* 2. My home is

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* 3. I am considering making changes to my home in the future (check all that apply)

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* 4. I am interested in learning about financial incentives and resources to make changes to my home

  Not at all interested Low interest Neutral Somewhat interested Highly interested
Make my home more attractive
Make my home more comfortable
Reduce the use of gas in cooking to improve our health
Reduce use of fossil fuels to address climate change
 Make my home more safe for myself, children or pets
Maintain my home in good repair
Save money by reducing my monthly utilities costs

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* 5. I have been prevented from making repairs or changes to my home by the following factors (check all that apply)

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* 6. My home and household have been experienced the following weather- and climate-related factors:

  Never Rarely Neutral Sometimes Frequently
Flooding in basement or yard
Extreme summer heat
Extreme winter cold
Poor air quality due to smoke, wild fires
Current heating or air conditioning is inadequate
Heating too expensive
Cooling too expensive

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* 7. Please select the answer that best fits you: When I need to make a change or repair in my home, I...

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* 8. I am personally involved through my work or volunteer activities in these areas (check all that apply)

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* 9. I would like to serve on an advisory panel to help Homestead and Spark North West design and deliver this program.

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* 10. What would you like to learn more about regarding maintenance and improvements to your home?

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* 11. What additional information would you like to share with Homestead and Spark North West as we design this program?

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* 12. Please provide your contact information (all responses will be kept confidential, and your contact information will only be used to follow up regarding participation in the program.)