Know the Score – An Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program

Know the Score – An Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program

-to help athletes, coaches, team officials and parents prevent and/or address alcohol/drug use by young athletes involved in individual and team sports.

This online questionnaire is one of the resources that athletes, coaches and players can use
to meet the goals of the program. After you read each section, there will be a set of
questions to answer. When you correctly answer the questions, you will proceed to
the next section. If some questions need reviewing due to an incorrect response,
you will be taken back into the section to find the answer, and then try again.

The Team Effort

SMHA and Mental Health and Addiction Services for the Saskatoon Health Region
have distributed information to thousands of young hockey players since 2001.
Originally, this program began as a result of concerns expressed by hockey coaches
in regard to alcohol/drug use by young athletes.
Research indicates that when young people have accurate information, they make
healthier lifestyle choices. This program is preventative in nature, as it supports
those athletes who choose a drug‐free lifestyle as well as supporting those who have
made a choice to use drugs/alcohol, so that they have guidance and intervention to
help them return to a healthy lifestyle free of substance abuse.

To review the entire Know the Score Alcohol & Drug Prevention Handbook, please copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Five basic guidelines to help reach the goal of preventing drug and alcohol use
among all sports participants:

1. Athletes and Parents must receive alcohol/ drug use prevention education.
2. Athletes must use positive peer pressure to influence the behavior of their
3. Coaches must work with team leaders to encourage role‐modeling behavior
for the rest of the team.
4. Coaches and Parents must provide positive role models for the athletes.
5. Support must come from coaches, parents, athletes, and related sports
association members.

After you read each section, you will be asked a few questions based on what you just read. If you do not provide the correct response, you will be taken back to the top of the section to re-read and answer the question again.  You cannot move onto the next question until the correct answer is provided.

Let's start with some questions on this first section!

Question Title

* 1. Q1: The Know the Score is a program for: