Townwide Design Standards

The townwide design standards (Section 15-6-30(b), pg. 134 of the Full Draft) are intended to ensure that development throughout Town continues to provide a desirable and functional environment and is designed and constructed in a manner that is suitable to Silverton’s climate.

The proposed standards will apply to most new development and redevelopment throughout Town. Some standards, such as residential accessory storage, are not required for single-unit and duplex dwellings and other standards, such as on-site storage, are only required for Site Plan Review or Special Use Permit applications. Similarly, the small lot development bulk plane standards only apply to lots less than 5,000 square feet in area.

Question Title

* 1. Should any of the Townwide standards be limited to only certain areas of Town or certain development types (e.g. nonresidential or multi-unit)?

Question Title

* 2. Are there any other design standards you would like to see applied to all development in Town?