Cemetery Management & Compliance.
Tuesday, 1st & Wednesday, 2nd July 2025 (09.15-12.30)
An ICCM quality online training event.
4 interactive sessions over 2 days.
Learn about the legal and practical aspects of cemetery management.
Learn new skills.
Have your questions answered.
Course overview
Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977 (LACO).
General powers of management.
Registers and records.
Granting and extending exclusive rights of burial.
Consent Avoiding disputes.
Burials; depth, shallow graves.
Administration processes.
Grave digging – procedures, preparations, backfilling.
Creating burial space.
Exhumation Transfer of exclusive rights of burial.
Suitable for
Cemetery staff at all levels, and those with a responsibility for cemeteries but who are not involved in their day-to-day management.
Equipment required
A computer, phone or tablet with internet connection, video and microphone function, able to run Teams, either as an app or online.