Thank you so much for wanting to help!

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your company or organization's name (if applicable)?

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* 3. At what email address would you like to receive your Certificate of Appreciation for doing the drive?

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* 4. Where did you end up donating the items you collected or made?  Please list the name of the organization, address and phone.  If you donated to one of our chapter members, please just list their name and state.

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* 5. Please list below the final totals of the items you were able to donate or make.  Example:  100 stuffed animals, 25 books, 3 blankets, etc. 

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* 6. Thank you so very much for doing your drive!  We really appreciate your hard work.  I will be emailing you a Certificate of Appreciation as well.  Please remember to email any pictures or videos of your drive to  We would love to share them!  If you have any additional comments, please list them below.  Thanks again!