This survey is aimed at assisting the Parish Council in creating a plan to develop the recreational spaces within Weedon Bec.  The questions in this survey have been designed to help the Parish Council understand how residents use the outside spaces within the village and to gather ideas on how they would like to see them developed.

Question Title

* 1. Thinking about Jubilee Field, before the Mound was removed, please give your response to the following statements:

  1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Undecided 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree
It wasn’t easy to walk on because it gets so wet
It is a nice place for walking/exercising
I felt safe walking and playing on Jubilee Field
Some more comfortable seats and picnic tables would encourage me to use it more
I didn’t go there, it’s boring, there’s nothing for me
It’s a good place to sit and watch the world go by
It’s OK for football but not much else
I never liked the Youth Shelter
As you go past it gives a good impression of the village
It needs a few more trees and landscaping especially by the road
There is not enough for children under 12
There needs to be more parking
There is too much litter and signs of drug taking

Question Title

* 2. Below is a list of suggestions that residents have already made of things that could be included on Jubilee Field.  Please let us know what you think of them.  In Question 3 you will have a chance to add your own suggestions.
Note:  Jubilee Field is flood plain for the river so any building can only take place between the Fireman's flats and where the Mound was.  Also, the field is classed as a SHARED PUBLIC OPEN SPACE so it is not possible to fence areas off.  Anything requiring netting is too expensive to maintain and the Parish Council cannot afford to pay for a park keeper/groundsman.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
Turn the football pitch into two separate smaller pitches for the junior teams
A Multi-Use games area (MUGA) - an all weather play area, not Astro Turf
A quiet, compact skateboard park made of polished concrete
Create a permeable, flat perimeter path for easy walking/running and for under 12s to learn to ride a bike
Made a picnic area with tables and benches by the river
Include more opportunities for imaginative play, ie not play equipment but by using landscaping and tyres
Reinstate the long slide that was on the Mound
Add more activity equipment for older children (over 12s)
An outdoor table tennis table
A fixed practice net for tennis (a full sized court would not be possible because it would need fencing and maintenance)
New changing rooms sited where they are now
New changing rooms sited on the mini mound, next to the Fireman's flats
A community space, including changing rooms and other facilities 
Create a dog agility circuit
Create an outdoor gym

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* 3. Please tell us your ideas for Jubilee Field, if they do not appear on the list above

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about all the recreational areas in the village, please tell us how often you and your family visit them

  Daily Once a week Monthly 2-3 times a year Never
Croft Way field (Top Park)
Cavalry Fields
Regency Close
Pocket Park
Jubilee Field
Lancers Way

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* 5. Thinking about the recreational area that you use most, please tell us how you use it

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* 6. The Parish Council is aware that the Top Park (younger children's play ground) at Croft Way field, needs updating.  Please tell us what you would like to see in the space?

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* 7. Many children, especially younger ones, prefer wood to metal play equipment because it can be used for more imaginative play. What do the children in your household prefer?

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* 8. If you prefer wood, have you any ideas of the sort of equipment you would like?

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* 9. It would help if you could give us some information about your household.  You may opt out of answering questions 9 & 10, if you prefer. (Tick all ages that apply)

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* 10. Are there any members of your household with a disability that stops them using the recreational spaces in the village. If so, please tell us, what additions to the recreational spaces would benefit your household.