Copy of Buckby Library & Hub Question Title * 1. Would you recommend our Library? Yes No Question Title * 2. How often do you use the library? Once a month Once a week Multiple times a week Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What do you use the library for? To borrow books To attend events, including rhyme time To use the refreshments area To use the printer, computers, Wi-Fi, Laminating or other services Jigsaw Swap service Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How would you best describe our selection of books? (Good) Varied (Poor) Limited selection Question Title * 5. How long have been a member of the library under 1 year 1 year - 3 years 3 years - 5 years over 5 years Not yet a member Question Title * 6. What events would you like to see held at the library in the future? Question Title * 7. Is there anything we could do to improve our service? Question Title * 8. Please leave any additional comments here. Done