Legislation (HB2792) passed in the 2017 session requires the Library Commission to collect and report this information.  Please be as thorough as possible.  The collection window is open from September 11 - 30, 2017.  If you have questions, contact Karen Goff: 304-558-2041 or karen.e.goff@wv.gov

Question Title

* 1. Address

Question Title

* 2. Is this a Branch Library?

Question Title

* 3. Age of Facility

Question Title

* 4. Type of Facility (check one)

Question Title

* 5. Is the building historically significant? Check as many as apply.

Question Title

* 6. Who owns the building?

Question Title

* 7. Who owns the property?

Question Title

* 8. How many levels are in the building?  Check one.

Question Title

* 9. If multilevel, does the building have an elevator or elevators?

Question Title

* 10. If multilevel with no elevator, does the library have a chair lift or other mobility assistance device?

Question Title

* 11. If multilevel with no elevator, is planning for an elevator in progress?

Question Title

* 12. Are rest room facilities available for the public?

Question Title

* 13. Does the library have ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant exterior doors?

Question Title

* 14. Does the library have ADA compliant interior doors?

Question Title

* 15. Does the library have ADA compliant restroom/s?

Question Title

* 16. Does the library have ADA compliant ramps

Question Title

* 17. Does the library have ADA compliant parking?

Question Title

* 18. Does the building have functioning smoke alarms?

Question Title

* 19. Does the building have a functioning security system?

Question Title

* 20. Are the fire and security systems connected to local emergency response systems?

Question Title

* 21. When was the last major upgrade to the building? Check one.

Question Title

* 22. Is the library currently engaged in a capital campaign to raise funds for facility renovation, remodeling, or replacement?

Question Title

* 23. Please provide maintenance costs, except for utilities, for the past three fiscal years.  Include all costs incurred to keep the facility operating such as normal repairs, HVAC or other maintenance contracts, janitorial services, lawn care, snow removal, etc.  If applicable, include value of approved in-kind services. If you are responding for a Branch Library and data  is included in the Main Library survey, enter 0.  Enter whole numbers only.  Decimals and non-numeric characters including $ signs are not accepted.

Question Title

* 24. Please provide total utility costs for the past three fiscal years.  If you are responding for a Branch Library and the data is included in the Main Library response, enter 0.  Enter whole numbers only. Decimals and non-numeric characters including $ signs are not accepted.

Question Title

* 25. What is your assessment of the general condition of the building?  Consider all the physical aspects of the building.  If several major repairs (interior, exterior or both) are needed, the general condition is probably FAIR or below.  If only minor repairs or maintenance is required, the general condition is GOOD would be an appropriate choice.  Additional questions will address the condition of specific components of the building.

Question Title

* 26. What is your assessment of the general condition of the roof?

Question Title

* 27. When was the roof last upgraded ?

Question Title

* 28. What is your assessment of the general condition of the gutters, soffit, and downspouts?

Question Title

* 29. When were the gutters, soffit, downspouts last upgraded?

Question Title

* 30. What is your assessment of the general condition of the heating/ventilation/air conditioning system?  If the library has multiple units, please assess as a whole.

Question Title

* 31. When was the heating/ventilation/air conditioning system last upgraded?

Question Title

* 32. What is your assessment of the general condition of the electrical system other than alarms?

Question Title

* 33. When was the electrical system other than alarms last upgraded?

Question Title

* 34. What is your assessment of the general condition of the plumbing system?

Question Title

* 35. When was the plumbing last upgraded?

Question Title

* 36. What is your assessment of the general condition of the lighting?

Question Title

* 37. When was the lighting last upgraded?

Question Title

* 38. What is your assessment of the general condition of the windows?

Question Title

* 39. When were the windows last upgraded?

Question Title

* 40. Type/s of flooring. Check as many as apply

Question Title

* 41. What is your assessment of the general condition of the flooring?

Question Title

* 42. When was the flooring last upgraded?

Question Title

* 43. What is your assessment of the general condition of the doors?

Question Title

* 44. When were the doors last upgraded?

Question Title

* 45. What is your assessment of the general condition of the stairs?

Question Title

* 46. When were the stairs last upgraded?

Question Title

* 47. What is your assessment of the general condition of the fire protection system?

Question Title

* 48. When was the fire protection system last upgraded?

Question Title

* 49. What is your assessment of the general condition of the sidewalks/ curbing/ parking areas?

Question Title

* 50. When were the sidewalks/curbing/parking areas last upgraded?

Question Title

* 51. What is your assessment of the general condition of the elevator/s, chair lifts, or other mobility assistance devices?

Question Title

* 52. When were the elevator/s, chair lifts, or other mobility assistance devices last upgraded?

Question Title

* 53. Would any remodeling involve asbestos abatement?

Question Title

* 54. Are there any other environmental issues with the building?  If Yes, please explain in the comment box.

Question Title

* 55. Have any upgrades resulted in energy conservation?  If Yes, please explain in the comment box.

Question Title

* 56. Is space needed for any of the following? Check as many as apply. Use the Comment box to list other needs not listed.

Question Title

* 57. What is the status of any projects to remodel, renovate, or expand the EXISTING  building? Check the most applicable status.

Question Title

* 58. What is the status of any construction project to replace the existing building? Check the most applicable status.

Question Title

* 59. Does the library have designated room/s for public meetings?

Question Title

* 60. What is the combined square footage of the library's public meeting room/s?  If the library does not have a meeting area enter 0. Use whole numbers only. Decimals not accepted.

Question Title

* 61. What is the approximate occupancy of the library's meeting room/s?  If the library does not have a meeting area enter 0.

Question Title

* 62. How many public, non-library events were held in the meeting room/s in the past 12 months?  If the library does not have a meeting area enter 0.

Question Title

* 63. Does the library have a written meeting room policy?

Question Title

* 64. What is the process for reserving meeting space?  Check all that apply.