Facilitator: Ting Ting Lee

Your input on this group is very important to us as we plan for future support groups. This evaluation is anonymous and confidential. Please fill out this form and click DONE at the bottom when you are finished.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Please click the rating that best describes how helpful each of these activities was to you:

  Disagree (not helpful) Somewhat Disagree (was slightly helpful, but not really for me) Uncertain Somewhat Agree (this was pretty helpful) Agree (Helpful)
It was helpful to share my feelings with fellow survivors.
It was helpful to hear fellow survivors talk about their feelings and experiences.
Writing in a journal was helpful.
The group facilitator was supportive to me.
Session topics were relevant to me.
The group facilitator was knowledgeable and helpful.
The group facilitator provided appropriate guidance and leadership for each session.
I felt free to express my thoughts and feelings.

Question Title

* 2. What was most helpful about the group?

Question Title

* 3. What would you like changed about the group?

If you think you would like to attend another Survivor Support group at SPYC again in the future, please feel free to send an email to SPYC@sbcglobal.net and let us know that you'd like to stay in touch. We will contact you when we have future dates set for group meetings. 

Take care and feel free to reach out to us whenever you might need. 

Crisis Line Numbers:

Suicide Prevention Lines--
Davis 530-756-5000
Woodland 530-666-7778
West Sacramento 916-372-6565
Toll-Free 1-888-233-0228

ASK Teen Hotlines--
Davis 530-753-0797
Woodland 530-668-8445
West Sacramento 916-371-3779

School Safety Tip Lines--
Davis 530-758-7233 (SAFE)
Woodland 530-668-4357 (HELP)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline--1-800-273-8255 (TALK)