This is an anonymous survey, we would love your candid thoughts...

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* 1. Have you attended an CM-LGBT event before?

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* 2. How often are you in Chiang Mai?

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* 3. Do you consider yourself...

What do YOU most want from our LGBT activities & gatherings??

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* 4. I want to meet other LGBT EXPATS for social activities & friendships

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* 5. I want to meet other LGBT EXPATS for intimacy/sex

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* 6. I want to meet THAI guys for social activities & friendship

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* 7. I want to meet THAI guys for intimacy/sex

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* 8. At our gatherings, I'm most looking for...  (other) write anything you like...

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* 9. (Thank you for completing this survey!)   Final question...

Would you prefer this group to be for gay males only?