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* 1. Do you know what sexual violence is?

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* 2. Do you think sexual violence occurs in our community?

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* 3. What forms of sexual violence do you think occur most?

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* 4. What specific forms of sexual violence have you personally witnessed?

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* 5. When thinking of our community, what factors do you think are contributing to sexual violence?

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* 6. Before starting this survey, were you aware of the following places that provide help to people exposed to sexual violence?

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* 7. What can be done to break any barriers that may exist in reporting sexual violence?

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* 8. What programs and services do you think need to be in our community to help address sexual violence?

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* 9. Which gender identity/identities do you most identify with?

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* 10. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?

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* 11. How would you describe yourself?

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* 12. What age group do you belong?