Information About You

Please answer the following questions about you work and experience with KIDS.

Question Title

* 1. Choose one category that best describes your primary role:

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* 2. How many years have you worked in this role?

Question Title

* 3. What is the name of the organization where you work (e.g., school district, program, company, or other organization)?

Question Title

* 4. Do you regularly work in a classroom with children at least 15 hours per week during the school year?

Question Title

* 5. Do you provide instruction in a language other than English (e.g., immersion or dual-immersion classroom)?

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* 6. Do you work with any children... 

  No Yes
...who have an IEP?
...who are English language learners?

Question Title

* 7. Have you participated in a KIDS training?

Question Title

* 8. Have you completed KIDS assessments for children in your classroom?

Question Title

* 9. What is your gender?

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* 10. How do you identify your race/ethnicity? Please select only one answer.

Question Title

* 11. Which days are you available for an all-day meeting in Normal, IL?

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* 12. Please provide your name and contact information: