Welcome to the Final Report for the Cultural Grants Program. This report is intended to gather information about your organization's activities that most closely align with the 2018 funding cycle (January - December 2018).  If your activities will take place after the reporting deadline, please make sure you complete the progress report questions.

If this is your first final report and you have questions about what activities and financial information you need to provide, please contact the OAC.

If you did not receive funding through the Cultural Grants Program in 2018, you do not need to complete this form.

If you are completing a report for a previous year, please contact the OAC for assistance. If you are applying for a Cultural Grant for the first time, you should complete a Statement of Interest instead of this document.

Please note that you will not be able to save the survey document and return to it at a later date. A "working document" has been created for this purpose. A link to the document was included in an email sent to your organization and can also be found on the OAC website on the Cultural Grants page. Please do not submit the working document; when all the questions are complete, enter them using the Survey Monkey link and click on the submit button at the end of the survey. 

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* 1. Organization Information

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* 2. Legal Information

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* 3. Organizational Profile

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* 4. What fiscal year are you reporting on? This should be the most recent fiscal year completed, i.e.July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018.

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* 5.  What grant amount did you receive in 2018?

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* 6. What were the goals of your funding request for 2018?.

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* 7. What were the results in meeting your goals, based on your measures? Be specific in how you used the grant funds.

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* 8. Did you have any challenges in meeting your goals? If so, what were the conditions that led to these challenges? How are you addressing these challenges?

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* 9. Provide the total number of activities programmed in each applicable area during the reporting fiscal year:

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* 10. Beside the appropriate categories, list all of your activity names and the date(s) on which they occurred in your reporting fiscal year:

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* 11. List the total attendance for any applicable area based on the activities of your group that occurred in your reporting fiscal year:

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* 12.  How did your organization reach out to the community to share your activities and art form? (Check all that apply)

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* 13.  Tell us about your partnership/collaborations in the community, if applicable:

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* 14.  How did your organization benefit from volunteer assistance?

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* 15. How many volunteers worked with your organization during the reporting year?

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* 16. How many hours did your volunteers contribute?

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* 17. Revenue (reporting fiscal year) Cash only

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* 18.  Expense (reporting fiscal year) Cash only

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* 19.  Please provide a brief explanation of any in-kind support received and the total fair market value of the in-kind support received.

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* 20. Progress Report (if applicable): If you received funding in 2018 and this funding is not a part of your 2017 - 2018 report, but will be reported on in your 2018 - 2019 report, indicate your program goals and measures:

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* 21. Progress Report (If applicable): Are you having any challenges in meeting your 2017 goals? If so, what are the conditions to these challenges? How are you re-working operations to address these challenges?

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* 22. We wish to apply for a 2019 Town of Oakville Cultural Grant:

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* 23. Please provide a brief explanation indicating what the funds will be used for in 2019 (300 words or less)

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* 24. We have provided the following information to the Oakville Arts Council c/o Bernadette Ward:

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* 25. Terms and Conditions

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* 26. Authorizations


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* 27. Authorizing Information