National Organic Training Skillnet Learning Needs Analysis 2019

As part of our application to apply for funding through the Skillnet Ireland training programme, The National Organic Training Skillnet is carrying out a training needs analysis in order to determine the needs of the organic and artisan food sector, both from existing organic and agri food businesses or potential new entrants.

Our training is part funded, enterprise led and relevant to your needs, we work with the best trainers to deliver the highest education available.

This survey will form an integral part of the new application to the Skillnet Ireland programme for funding to reduce training costs and networking for 2019. It is essential that we can receive the most up to date information to make both our application and training programme both relevant and timely. Please take a minute or two to complete the following short analysis.

The National Organic Training Skillnet is a collaboration between Irish Organic Association, Organic Trust and Western Organic Network aimed at reducing the cost of training for the organic sector. National Organic Training Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and Member Companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.

By completing this survey, you are providing a strong basis for the development of a new training programme for the agri food sector. If you have any queries about any aspects of the survey, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the NOTS team.

Thanking you.

Sean McGloin
Network Manager
Tel 0719640688