Please let us know what you are thinking about summer and fall courses at MTC

Please take a couple of minutes to let us know what you are thinking about summer 2020 and fall 2020 courses.  

Your health, safety, and learning are important to us at MTC. Our goal is to continue to deliver high quality learning in a safe, healthy environment.

As we move more courses to a remote learning or blended format, we want to keep on top of any challenges you are having and we also want to learn what is working well so we can continue to improve.

The survey results will be available to Bob Haas, Chief Strategy Officer and Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services, the President, the Vice President for Advancement and Planning, the Vice President of Business Affairs, and the Chief of Staff. Results  will only be shared in a summary format unless there is an individual need identified that other departments need to address. Your confidentiality will be completely protected if requested.

You can take this survey multiple times if your situation changes.

Any questions - contact Bob Haas--; cell 740-225-8753

Question Title

* 1. Please let us know your registration status:

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* 2. Please enter your age / gender (optional)

  Male Female Prefer not to answer
Still in high school
18 - 24
25 - 35
Prefer not to answer

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* 3. If you graduated high school in 2019 or 2020, please let us know about your college plans. MTC has many courses that transfer to other colleges.

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* 4. There are three primary types of ways to take college classes:
Face-to-face is the traditional "in the classroom" method
Online is remote instruction - contact with the instructor is virtual
Blended is a combination of face-to-face and online.

As of now, MTC is planning to use all three of these methods for fall 2020 courses, and mostly online (except for labs) for summer 2020. Our goal is to maximize learning and minimize the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

Please let us know how you feel about each of these course delivery methods:

  I am very comfortable with this type of course I am OK with this type of course I can learn in this type of course but it is not preferred I would not take a course in this format

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* 5. What is your prior experience with online learning?

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* 6. We are still formulating plans for fall; our current plan is to return to campus in some way. Please let us know how you feel about returning to campus for fall classes.

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* 7. Please describe your Internet connection (select all that apply)

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* 8. Please let us know about the main computer system you use to access your online courses. Select all that apply.

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* 9. Do you have regular access to the following?

  Yes No
Computer system with a camera
Computer system with a microphone
Computer system with speakers

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* 10. Please share any concerns you have about completing summer or fall courses

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* 11. Let us know about any technical issues that might negatively impact your ability to learn through remote teaching (bandwidth, computer system, software, etc.).

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* 12. Let us know about any personal issues or challenges (caring for children, taking care of parent, food or housing insecurity, etc.) that could negatively impact your ability to successfully complete courses.

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* 13. Please let us know your primary program

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* 14. Let us know your opinion about the following health and safety measures

  MTC  should require this  MTC should recommend this but not require it MTC should not recommend or require this
Wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth
Physical distancing in a classroom - maintain 6' distance between students
Temperature checks at building entrances
Use of hand sanitizer upon entry and exit into building/classrooms
Self-reporting temperature

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* 15. Is there anything else you think we should know?

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* 16. (Optional) Please enter your name (Last, First)

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* 17. (Optional) Please enter your MTC or personal e-mail or phone number,  especially if you need us to respond to a specific need.