Question Title

* 1. Please enter your zip code, number of acres owned (enter zero if no property or renting), and land use type (urban, suburban, rural residential or agricultural)

Question Title

* 2. The mission of the Ingham Conservation District is to promote and practice stewardship of our natural resources by serving, educating and empowering our community.  How effective do you think the Ingham Conservation District has been in fulfilling its mission?

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate the resources you use to stay informed on natural resource issues in Ingham County.  You may select multiple options.

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the following natural resources found in Ingham County in order of their value to you (with 1 being the most important and 7 the least important).

Question Title

* 5. Over the last 2 years the Ingham Conservation District has secured grants to address invasive species, water quality and watershed protection, game habitat improvement, river cleanups, tire recycling and hunting access.  What other areas would you like to see the District focus on in the next 5 years?

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate your level of concern for each of the following natural resource issues
by selecting the priority you believe they should be given in Ingham County.

  High Priority Moderate Priority Low Priority No Opinion
Natural Area and Open Space Preservation
Groundwater Quality and Monitoring
Loss of Wildlife Habitat
Air Quality
Erosion and Sedimentation
Agricultural Management
(fertilizers, pesticides, animal waste)
Forestry Health and Management
Public Hunting Access
Loss of Wetlands
Invasive Species
Urban Sprawl and Impervious Surfaces
Habitat Restoration
Climate Change
(energy use, carbon footprint, deforestation)
Residential Fertilizer and Pesticide Use
Preservation of Connected Natural Ecosystems
Failing Septic Systems
Loss of Farmland
Stormwater Runoff and Management
Surface Water Quality
(Lakes and Streams) 

Question Title

* 7. How interested would you be in attending a field day, workshop or presentation on the following topics?

  Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested
Forestry/Woodlot Health and Management
Grassland Establishment and Management
Surface Water Quality and Monitoring
Hunter Access Program
Tree Pruning and Care
Native Tree and Plant Identification
Constructing Rain Barrels/Rain Gardens
State and Federal Conservation Programs
Local Wildlife
Starting a Backyard Orchard
Innovative Farming Practices
Reducing Environmental Risks on Farms
Groundwater Quality and Monitoring
Invasive Species Identification and Management
Native Species Landscaping
Septic System Maintenance
Status of Local Waterways and Watersheds

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* 8. What is the most important change or improvement in service the Ingham Conservation District should make to help you on your land or in your community?

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* 9. If you are interested in volunteering with the Ingham Conservation District please indicate your areas of interest.

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* 10. Please provide your email address to be entered into our gift card drawing.  If you would like to be added to our monthly newsletter list please enter "yes" in the box below.