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Please use the form below to verify your attendance at our session today. Submit this form by Friday, November 18. Once you have submitted this form, we will report your credit to the CFP Board within 7-10 business days. You will receive confirmation of your credit directly from the CFP board. 

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Last Name

Question Title

* 4. Email Address 

Question Title

* 5. CE Code (Provided during presentation and required for all CE)

Question Title

* 6. Enter your CFP® CE Number Here (Required for CFP® CE)

Question Title

* 7. Please check this box if you need a CPA Certificate for this course.

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate this topic?

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate this speaker?

Question Title

* 10. Do you have any additional feedback on the presentation or meeting?

Question Title

* 11. I hereby swear and affirm I attended this session on this date in its entirety.

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