
The Okanagan Indian Band is seeking your feedback regarding your experience of the Freshet flooding within the Community in May earlier this year.
The Band is reviewing its emergency response procedures to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure members and residents are informed and prepared and know where to seek official information should an emergency occur. Your feedback is valued and will contribute to the Band's ongoing efforts to enhance safety and communication protocols.

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* 1. Are you a member of the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB)

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* 2. Are your responses related to your primary residence, secondary residence or business property within OKIB Reserve?

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* 3. Do you own, rent or lease this property?

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* 4. Was your property, residence or business included in an evacuation order or
alert issued by the OKIB?

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* 5. How did you FIRST become informed of the evacuation Alert or Order issued
by the OKIB?

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* 6. Upon receiving an evacuation Alert or Order issued by OKIB, did you
know where to find further information to determine your next steps?

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* 7. How were you impacted by the freshet flooding event that
occurred in May 2023?

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* 8. Have you taken steps to better prepare yourself and your household? Tick all that apply.

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* 9. Are you aware of the following programs or resources available to those
impacted by an emergency like this flooding event?

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* 10. Did you contact or attempt to contact the OKIB Emergency Operations Centre?

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* 11. How would you rate the following aspects of your communication with the

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* 12. Did you visit the OKIB website or community Facebook page for more information or assistance during the flooding event?

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* 13. How would you rate the following aspects of the OKIB website or community Facebook page in communicating information related to the flooding event?

  Very Good Good Satisfactory  Requires Improvement N/A
Website/Facebook page provided helpful information 
Website/Facebook page was updated in a timely manner
Information for the flood event was easy to find
Evacuation Orders and Alerts were easy to understand

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* 14. Please indicate your level of concern for the following types of events/impacts.

  High Medium Low N/A
Freshet flooding (caused by heavy rain or snow melt?
Lake Flooding
Road Closures
Power outages
Loss of cell phone/internet connectivity

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* 15. Please indicate your level of preparedness for the following types of events/impacts.

  High Medium  Low N/A
Freshet flooding (caused by heavy rain or snow melt?
Lake Flooding
Road Closures
Power outages
Loss of cell phone/internet connectivity

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* 16. Thank you for your responses. The information gathered will assist the Okanagan Indian Band Emergency Program. Please provide any additional comments or observations to help improve your preparedness or the community's resilience.