SAE AeroTech
How knowledgeable are you about the digital enterprise (digital twin, digital thread)?
Where is your company in its digital transformation journey?
In process
Completed in past 12 months
In use for more than 1 year
How has COVID-19/the pandemic impacted your company’s digital transformation?
No impact
Accelerated adoption
Delayed by 6 months to 1 year
Put plans on hold for more than 1 year
In your organization, how important is digitalization/digital twin/digital thread for successful execution of programs?
Very important
Somewhat important
Somewhat not important
Not important
What concerns do you have about digital transformation?
Cost / Investment needed / Return on Investment
Interruption to workflows / downtime
Difficulty to implement
Leveraging existing infrastructure
Need to upgrade / revamp older systems/processes
Are your industry partners / customers…
Asking your company to adopt digital enterprise
Requiring your company’s digital transformation
Each asking/requiring the use of a different platform
Indifferent to whether you adopt digital enterprise
What concerns do you have about connecting systems with partners/the larger supply chain?
Risk of losing intellectual property (IP)
Cybersecurity risks
Expense and resources required
No concerns
All of the above
Does your organization follow Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) when executing a program?
Yes, we follow an end-to-end MBSE lifecycle
We follow some of the MBSE lifecycle
We don’t follow the MBSE lifecycle at all
What is MBSE?
If your organization is not following the full MBSE lifecycle, what is hindering it?
Organizational blocks, no one to champion it
Work culture differences among teams
Expense of software tools/implementation
We currently do not see the need for MBSE
What resources would be helpful for you when learning about digital enterprise?
Hands-on, how-to and problem-solving workshops on digital enterprise
Guidance from and Q&A with experts in digital enterprise
Webinar series with practical/applicable information, lessons learned & best practices
Real-world success stories; hearing from companies having achieved/undergoing digital transformation
Current Progress,
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