The Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB) is interested in prospective community partnerships with organizations that are aligned with our interests and priorities.

If interested in partnering with us or receiving a letter of support, we would like to learn more about your project, your partnership ideas including the role you're hoping ACWDB will play in your project, and your understanding of how your project aligns with our priorities and current and future initiatives.
  • If you are seeking a Letter of Support, please complete questions 1-4 only and submit within 5 business days of your project's deadline.

  • If you are seeking partnership with us on a particular project or grant opportunity please complete the entire questionnaire and submit to us at least two weeks prior to your project's deadline.

Thank you for your interest and we will review and contact you.

Background Information:
ACWDB's vision and mission:
ACWDB's strategic plans:
ACWDB's priority industries:

Question Title

* 1. Please list your name, title, organization and contact information (phone and email):

Question Title

* 3. Describe your organization's vision, mission, and goals below:

Question Title

* 4. Describe the project or grant of interest (strategy, partnerships, concept/design) and it's alignment with ACWDB's priorities/mission/vision:

Question Title

* 5. Clearly describe the role you are hoping ACWDB will play in your project/grant initiative:

Question Title

* 6. Describe in numbers and percent, how many clients in your project would be served in ACWDB's local area (all the cities and unincorporated areas in Alameda County outside the city of Oakland):

Question Title

* 7. Other comments: