Thank you for helping BDHEA amplify health equity stories! Feel free to answer any of the questions below, or simply share your story in the free response section at the end.

As a note, your personal information will only be used by BDHEA to contact you for further discussion. Any materials subsequently created to share your health equity stories will be anonymized.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 3. What instances, conversations, or events have helped you to spark dialogue or inspire action around health equity as a Board member? What success stories would you like to share?

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* 4. What kinds of health equity problems or gaps have Boards or organizations you’ve been a part of taken specific actions around?

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* 5. In your opinion, what are some of the effective questions Board members should ask of their organizations to help advance health equity?

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* 6. What’s the one tool or resource you would want Boards to be equipped with to effectively engage in health equity work?

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* 7. Can you share any examples of instances when a Board you were part of took learnings from any earlier phase of equity work and applied it to a next step or took things to a new level?

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* 8. How has your Board's work on health equity advanced or matured as it has addressed the topic over time?

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* 9. If there’s anything else you’d like to share, please feel free to share it here.