CMO-OnLoan Marketing Effectiveness Survey

To help us understand your starting point with marketing, please answer the questions below the best you can.

There are no wrong answers, so don't think too much about your responses.
1.What is your Business or Brand Name?(Required.)
2.How distinctive is your Brand compared to competition?(Required.)
3.How known and understood is your Brand throughout your organization?(Required.)
4.How often does your organization consider your Brand Promise in decision making?(Required.)
5.How well defined are your Ideal Target Customer and Market Priorities (vertical, region, etc.)?(Required.)
6.How often do you use your Ideal Target Customer and Market Priorities to direct sales and marketing plans?(Required.)
7.How often do you consider your ideal target and market priorities when making organizational decisions?(Required.)
8.How well-known and understood is your Marketing Plan?(Required.)
9.How linked is your Marketing Plan to business goals?(Required.)
10.How defined are your marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?(Required.)
11.How often do you analyze KPIs and adjust plans based on results?(Required.)
12.How cohesive are your communications with your Customers?(Required.)
13.How consistently over time do you communicate with your Customers?(Required.)
14.How cohesive are your communications with your Market(s)?(Required.)
15.How consistently over time do you communicate with your Market(s)?(Required.)
16.How defined are the Marketing Roles and Responsibilities?(Required.)
17.How integrated is Marketing with other functions in your organization?(Required.)
18.What level of leadership does Marketing hold?(Required.)
19.Please provide your First & Last Name(Required.)
20.Please provide your email so we can send your results(Required.)
21.Interested in weekly insights from Amy and CMO-OnLoan? Enter your email below and they'll be delivered directly to your inbox. (and don't worry, we will never share your information. We hate spam as much as you do).