Federal Programs Needs Assessment 2018-2019- Middle/High Students

The Greenwood Public School District is committed to becoming the "best option" in the state whereby all students are graduating college and career ready.
Please respond to all statements and questions listed below.
Note: Please do not type your name or any identifiable information on this form. All input will be anonymous. 

Question Title

* 1. Student Achievement

  Agree Disagree Need Improvement N/A
The education offered to students at our school is of high quality.
Our school is doing a good job teaching reading.
Our school is doing a good job teaching writing.
Our school is doing a good job teaching math.
Our school is doing a good job teaching science.
Our school is doing a good job teaching social studies.
Students are motivated to do their best.
Students who are struggling receive additional support.
Our school is preparing students to deal with issues and problems they will face in the future.
Students see a relationship between what they are studying and their everyday lives.
Students are achieving the academic standards set by the state.

Question Title

* 2. Curriculum & Instruction

  Agree Disagree Need for Improvement N/A
Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies and learning activities to help students learn.
Teachers provide instructional strategies that involve students and their learning.
Teachers hold high expectations for student learning.
In addition to written tests, students are provided with a variety of ways to show their learning.
Our school offers learning opportunities that support the full range of students' abilities.
Teachers are willing to give students individual help outside of class time.
Teachers collaboratively develop instructional activities to help students learn.
In our school, students have access to a variety of resources to help them succeed in their learning, such as technology, media center & libraries.
Up-to-date computers and other technologies are used at our school to help students learn.
Adequate time is devoted to subjects in which students perform poorly.

Question Title

* 3. Professional Development

  Agree Disagree Need for Improvement N/A
Training opportunities are provided to staff members on a regular basis.
Teachers are provided opportunities to select professional development activities.
Teachers collaborate and operate as professional learning communities.
Professional Development activities are meaningful.
Professional Development activities are geared to improving student activities/student learning.

Question Title

* 4. Family and Community Involvement

  Agree Disagree Need for Improvement N/A
Effective procedures are in place to support communication with parents, family & community.
Parents and community member's opinions are considered when school decisions are made.
Our school provides sufficient opportunities for community involvement.
School-sponsored activities are open to members of the community.
Our school provides health services/health fairs for students and parents.
Our school provides technology training to parents on a regular basis.
Our school provides services for students with disabilities (physical & eduational services).
Parent Centers and other edcational opportunities are available to provide services to parents.

Question Title

* 5. School Context & Organization

  Agree Disagree Need for Improvement N/A
Our school has a clear mission and goal that provides our staff with a common purpose and sense of direction.
Our school is committed to improving student learning.
The opinions of staff are considered when decisions are made that impact the quality of the teaching and learning process.
There are positive working relationships among teachers, administrators, and support staff.
Our school provides a safe learning environment.
Our school's governing body operates responsibly and functions effectively.
Staff members serve on leadership teams, superintendent's advisory, grade level teams & strategic planning teams.
The expenditure of funds is aligned with our school's goal and strategies.
Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of leadership and instruction in our school.

Question Title

* 6. Please check the levels where you think Title I instruction should be focused.

Question Title

* 7. What aspects of Federal Programs do you feel are most beneficial to students? (Check as many as you want)

Question Title

* 8. Check the services below that you believe would help students in school. (Check as many as you want)

Question Title

* 9. Please list any instructional program or teaching strategy that you would like your school to adopt for the 2017-2018 school year.

Question Title

* 10. Please list the specific professional development training you think would assist in improving student achievement.

Question Title

* 11. Please check the support services you feel would be beneficial for students at your school.