The Shannex Environmental Sustainability Excellence Award recognizes an individual or project team across the organization who demonstrates initiative in performance and process improvement enhancing the overall environment and sustainability of our facility/facilities.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Information

Details of the person you are nominating

Question Title

* 2. Nominator Information

Details on the person making the nomination

2019 Excellence Awards Nomination Form Improvements: As part of this years excellence awards changes have been made to the Excellence AWardsnomination process. Instead of submitting four write-ups that each separately correlates to a specific value we have consolidated the nomination into two sections.

Nominator Testimonial: In this section, we are asking you the Nominator to please describe why in your opinion the nominee is deserving of the award. Ensure that your nomination describes how the nominee lives our core values when it comes to service excellence. The values and sample criteria are available on the next page.

Supporting Testimonials: This section helps build a case to support your nomination. Testimonials can be from Managers, Co-Workers, Residents, or Stakeholders and should be specific examples around why the nominee is deserving of recognition.